Tenth Person and Future Imagining consultancy for decision makers.
Its typically not possible to predict the future but we can imagine likely futures and consider their impacts. Considering the future allows for strategic planning, reliance within business and also confidence in anticipating change. The world is changing, is your business looking to the future?
How might the future impact your business and the sector, is it possible to know? We don't tell the future but we know how to think the unthinkable and imagine the near and far future for opportunity and risk. Ask us what opportunities we are currently imagining?
In person and remote online consultancy is available discretely and in confidence.
Remote online consultancy is an affordable way to start thinking about the future. What are possible future challenges to your business and what could be done to leverage their impacts into opportunities? Appointments are available throughout the week and drop in sessions are available for retaining clients. If you are interested in exploring how we can aid your business request a free 5min chat to hear what is concerning us this week!
In person consultancy allow for a more detailed consideration of your concerns. In person meetings are available in cities in the UK throughout the week. Request a meeting now below.
Rather than discussing short term issues or doing team building exercises why not consider the far future with some horizon scanning? Including some long term strategic thinking in your away day and see how your business could make the world a better place, or perhaps you just prefer trying to make your business more successful! Away day session are tailored to requirements and can be blue sky focused or black swan orientated or used to imagine the near or far future.
Whats informing our thinking.
Remarks regarding note worthy events, news and publications that inform our thinking regarding imagining the future and tenth person consultancy.