Living Forever
Insights from TPEX consultancy for decision makers.
Written SH on 2023-11-09.
Over the past half-century, remarkable advancements in medical science and improved social care have led to a consistent increase in global life expectancy. While this longevity is a testament to human progress, it also necessitates a thoughtful examination of its effects on our economy and society.
A very small group of individuals, the supercentenarians (SCs), >110 years old, not only achieve super longevity but also have a disease-free healthy and active life even at very old age.Zhu, H., Chen, J., Liu, K., Gao, L., Wu, H., Ma, L., Zhou, J., Liu, Z. and Han, J.D.J., 2023. Human PBMC scRNA-seq–based aging clocks reveal ribosome to inflammation balance as a single-cell aging hallmark and super longevity. Science Advances, 9(26), p.eabq7599. online.
Longer life spans mean that individuals can contribute to the workforce for extended periods. As people live longer, they continue to participate actively in the economy. Longer life spans encourage investment in healthcare research and technology. Grandparents play an essential role in family structures, providing emotional support, wisdom, and childcare assistance. These connections foster social cohesion and stability. Increased life expectancy is a positive force, enriching both our economies and social fabric.
But what about super longevity — where human life spans extend far beyond what we currently experience.
Imagine a world where people live for centuries. Traditional economic models, designed around finite working years and retirement, would struggle. Super longevity would strain our planet’s finite resources. Longer lives mean more consumption—more food, energy, housing and healthcare costs could increase as age-related ailments persist over centuries. The concept of “midlife crisis” would extend to centuries how many could you have? Why do anything when you could just do it tomorrow?
Access to life-extending technologies and treatments might become a privilege for the wealthy. Imagine a world where some thrive for centuries while others struggle to survive. Super longevity promises both utopian possibilities and dystopian challenges. Healthcare systems, pension schemes, and social safety nets require adjustments to accommodate longer life spans effectively.
But consider super longevity, where age becomes but a number, and wrinkles are mere suggestions.
In a world where centenarians are mere toddlers and “forever young” is an understatement, what happens to religion and spirituality? Buckle up, lets call ourselves time-travelers. Prophets update their resumes. “End-of-Days Specialist” becomes “Forever-and-Ever Consultant.”
The First Immortal rumor has it, they’re already among us. That quirky neighbor who never ages? Yep, probably immortal. They’ve seen empires rise and fall, yet still can’t parallel park.
Super longevity would redefine our cosmic narrative. And remember, if you meet someone who’s never died, offer them a high-five. They’ve got eternity to perfect it.
While the concept of super longevity may capture our imaginations, the stark realities of climate change, ecological collapse, and the persisting threat of nuclear weapons should compel us to prioritize the pressing issues of today. These formidable challenges demand our immediate attention and concerted efforts to ensure a sustainable and secure future for all.
In a society where longevity is celebrated, the significance of exceptional customer service cannot be overstated. With customers enjoying extended lifespans, businesses must prioritize and excel in their service delivery to foster lasting customer relationships, as a satisfied customer's loyalty could span generations.
Zhu, H., Chen, J., Liu, K., Gao, L., Wu, H., Ma, L., Zhou, J., Liu, Z. and Han, J.D.J., 2023. Human PBMC scRNA-seq–based aging clocks reveal ribosome to inflammation balance as a single-cell aging hallmark and super longevity. Science Advances, 9(26), p.eabq7599.URL.
TPEX offers future imagining and tenth person consultancy for decision makers looking to consider the future, before opportunities are missed. We offer online and in-person consultancy to help your business make informed decisions about the future.